Hope for Humanity…

Interesting little fact for you, the human brain is a highly evolved bit of organic hardware, over the millennia numerous physiological changes have led us to where we are today, intellectually speaking. It’s only in the last few thousand years that our brains have evolved to the more detached state of intelligence less associated with pure emotional reactions. By this I mean the kind of actions taken under the influences of anger, fear or love.

These emotions are believed to exist in a portion of our brains called the Limbic System, located closer to the central cortex which means that as a species we were emotional before we were logical. This makes sense when you think about it, when we were a more natural part of the animal system emotions such as fear and anger would help us either fend of predators or know when to run and survive. Love is simply a form of chemical attachment which would eventually evolve into the communal sense of attachment that we have today.

Emotions played an important role in getting us to where we are today as a species, but the question I ask is this… do emotions provide more in the way of hope for humanities survival or perhaps spell out the risk of destruction. Most animals on the planet have something in the way of a communal sense of self preservation, in that they understand that to stick together leads to the survival of the group overall. While as human beings have begun to grow into a more intellectual individuality, desiring to “think” differently and use our own intellectual progress for self preservation.

Now don’t get me wrong there are always exceptions to the rule, but I want you to ask this question.. do you think that the human race has any real understanding of the Greater Good? By which I mean the survival of the overall group through sticking together and working towards a common goal? Or are we still stuck in a more animalistic state, whereby the sense of “community” only extends so far as the blood relations and close friends? Have we actually begun to stagnate as a society construct, concerned only with the small victories instead of the bigger picture?

Why do I ask this? Well it’s simple, take a look at any country in the world and you’ll see a thousand issues that while conceivably solvable through the application of a more detached intellectual common sense, are often left ignored by world leaders. This seems difficult to understand at first until you notice something, all of these issues are those that have existed since the dawn of modern civilisation. Big world issues, like homelessness, wars and violence on a global scale.

Modern politics is often fixated on the small victories, caring to look no further than they must for fear of failure and the truth is that these many small victories never quite manage to fill the gaping void created by the bigger issues. Modern media is often happy to point out this simple fact and you can split up most news reports into two simple categories:

1) Small victories = what numerous people I know would berate as pointless news pieces, happy little tidbits fed into circulation that are meant to provide a sensation of success without actually addressing are real issues. Celebrity news is a major part of this section, with quite simply untalented members of society being given attention not really through their own success but rather through the hard work of countless others meant to raise one person to stardom.

2) Examples of bigger issues being “proactively addressed” these are the rolling news items on thins such as the “War on Terror” in America, or the ongoing battle against the “Welfare state” in the UK. They fill your days with doom and gloom while never really giving you an example of a “bigger issue” being solved on any kind of scale. The paranoid idealist in me would like to blame this form of news on corporate intelligence, meant to slam the average joe down in the dirt before they can begin to think too highly of themselves or indeed the rest of humanity. Yet I think that might be perhaps a little too conspiracy theorist of me, and my personal levels of cynicism have yet to evolve to such points where I believe David Cameron to be not only a twonk, but equally one with the level of social understanding that would make him and his opposites in other countries practically geniuses.

The problem is understanding how we managed to get in this state of affairs and what form of logical thinking is most likely to get us out of it. Sadly as the late, great, Carl Sagan said hope is unlikely to reach us from the stars anytime soon. While non-terran intervention would indeed likely sort out most issues both social, theological and technological the terrifying fact is that at this current moment in Human history… we are simply not worth contacting or indeed saving from our own steady spiral of self implosion.

We need to first sort out of own planet before worrying about anywhere else.

So, what is the “Hope for Humanity”? I honestly believe it lies with the founding of education, and the blame for several current issues lies with religion, or at least the people heading those religions. In education we can find so many answers and indeed the truth behind our fears. This isn’t simply state education but a form of social education. So many ex-homophobics/racists/extremists have often admitted that their previous prejudices formed through mis-information. Whereby their own social education was dented by similarly misinformed individuals. It is easy to understand how such narrow view ideologies can form over time, and it brings me straight back to my first point about the human brain.

In the very beginning we were simple, we loved what we knew and either feared or hated anything different from ourselves. Ourselves meaning the tribal mentality formed at the beginning of human evolution. Over time we evolved and the ability to learn new things became readily available, anyone in the modern world is capable of traveling afar, learning about new people or new ideas and then making up their own minds from that information. Sadly too many people are created with a far more narrow minded ideology, being shielded from information by the generations before them. Perhaps even more depressing is the fact that sometimes these people can make it into positions of power, where their ignorance can then influence generations more (here I speak mostly of the horrific events in Russia).

So my advice is this, go out and learn more before you ever decide to make a judgement of others, since this world can surprise you with the simple fact that while everything is different and individual, it can be the same as well.

Keep Watching and Don’t Worry.

Jobseeker Blues

Like so many of our recently graduated students of society I, upon graduating from University, almost immediately found myself jobless. During those brief dark few months I turned to our beloved government in the aim to find some support through this dark a dreary time. Both financially and indeed emotionally, since being bereft of both thanks to our wonderful education system. (I shall apologise in full for all levels of sarcasm found within this article, cynicism has hit me at an early age).

So what can I say with regards to this wonderful system (again apologies), and the joyous elves which manage its halls. Well speaking from personal experience it seems more like a failing system than one producing anything in the way of success. I shall begin by telling you to ignore any existing preconceptions you have regarding the people reliant on the Jobseekers Allowance benefit. People from all walks of life depend upon this system for support during some of the darker moments of their life and it is often the more desperate individual that seeks such support.

I have within the walls of Bolton’s Jobcentre Plus, met men and women of all creeds and categories of society (now wonderfully colour coded thanks to politicians). Not simply a gathering of these archetypal yobbos or benefit fraudsters often depicted on soaps and the media as greasy haired cast members of Skins. It’s a pointless image and one that manages to be both racist, sexist and most other forms of -ist’s I can think of.

The Jobcentre itself is hardly a welcoming place itself, staff glare down at all members of the public with a cool glance and often disregarding manner of speech. Often seeming to forget that, while they hate their jobs, the people suffering this fact before them have no jobs to hate themselves. Every time I enter that building I am reminded of my own personal failings, that another week has gone by and I stare into the Abyss before me thanks to my own mistakes.

For any human being it is a simple step from hating the building, to hating those that work there and eventually associating that sensation with self failure. No wonder that so many people from all walks of life fail to complete set tasks given in order to both find work and receive the financial support they need in the mean time. (I have by this point completely dropped the pretence of emotional support, since while there are a few diamonds in the rough at these centres, the rough seems limitless.)

Let us looks at these tasks, upon arriving I was informed that I would need to complete a set number of ‘things’ in order to prove that I was actively pursuing a job. I asked for a definition of ‘things’ believing somewhat naively that it meant a set amount of time spent actively job hunting, applying for interviews and the like. Yet for every definition I request, the answer given is often is always different. Sometimes I’m told it refers to actual applications, other times it’s time spent on social media sites, in others it means networking or building a portfolio of work (for the creatively minded amongst us). Simple questions are asked, yet obscure and general answers are given, a fault I place at the feet of those writing the legislation for these centres. Sadly the staff are as equally clueless as myself and those giving more comprehensive answers are simply those who have spent longer making up the answers.

Additionally it’s a system under constant change from numerous boards and committees who simply either have no idea how to really help or are simply making up jobs for themselves in order to avoid joining those filling in their 10 ‘things’ a week. Only recently a hilariously pointless questionare has been brought in which seems to further outline the failures of our distanced political system. In this article by Nathalie Olah (http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/governments-psychometric-jobseekers-test-is-weird-pointless-and-shit) she rather rightly points out the pointlessness of the system and the way the questions asked give the same meaningless answers. Seeming for all the world like a set of questionares designed simply so someone could ‘implement a plan’ or ‘so proactive examples of progress’ and other meaninglessly bureaucratic slogans meant to be sold to the highest media bidder (where the currency is always support).

In terms of a solution I don’t know what to advise, clearly more sensible heads are required on a political level, with world renowned twonks such as Sir Ian Duncan-Smith rather stupidly trying to claim that the pittance offered by Jobseekers Allowance is survivable. Alongside ‘daddy-gave-me-a-job’ members of parliament and three different party leaders so out of touch they might as well be from the planet Zog…. Well, they really aren’t doing well are they. I ask you, think. Truly think, when was the last time you looked at your political leaders and respected a decision they made. Not an action spearheaded by activists like the Olympic games, or peace actions in the Middle East… something they themselves have done.

In truth, I can think of none.

Cinema Etiquette (or) We’re not savages… we live in a society…

I love cinema; and I mean this twofold really, firstly I love the films that cinema produces and then I adore the actual location itself. Cinema is a setting with a set of moral and social rules which allow everyone to enjoy themselves and forget the woes of the world for a couple of hours. If films are the antidote of escapism for the huddled masses, then the cinema environment is the carrier system. I don’t often get to go to the cinema as often as I would like really and almost every time I go I end up enjoying what I’ve watched.

The cinema acts as a cocoon for ideological systems, the whole concept of indoctrination within the cinema space is an irrelevant term in my eyes. Something we all understand and accept these days and is often freed from the mind with a certain degree of cynicism concerning the subject material. Just take a few moments to really think about what you’re watching, notice that it is an entertainment platform made by human beings and you can easily dispel any lasting effects. Sure children can be affected by such a system but then it’s also Mum/Dad’s responsibility to back up or countermand any such issues with real world interaction.

As I was saying the cinema environment is a beautifully constructed space, acting as a comfortable womb for the audience during this time of peace. Sadly this womb is a delicate one, and despite nearly a century of social convention and moral obligation backing up this womb, patrons of the moronic arts are oft disturbing our peace. So I’m happy right now to confide in you, my readers, a set of what I shall call ‘guidelines’ or ‘Cinema Etiquette’ that while often going unspoken is also something we should understand once in a while.

Firstly lets talk about seating… couples, please head to the rear of the screen. If you plan to spend most of the film playing the longest game of tonsil hockey you’ll likely indulge in for a few weeks not many people want to watch. It’s not much of a spectator sport and those who do want to watch are often not the people you would want to watch. Families with children are fine to sit where they wish, just please if your child speaks answer them quickly and quietly instead of yelling at them to shut up after they’ve repeated the question a hundred or so times. Additionally if your child is young enough to cry through the majority of the film then I have one thing to say… “THEY ARE TOO BLOODY YOUNG FOR THE CINEMA!!!”. Seriously ladies and gets bring them back in a few years time, for now let them enjoy films at home and get someone to look after them when you want to go out. People filling the ‘other’ bracket of audience members are welcome to sit wherever as well, just remember no feet on seats if there are people nearby on the row before you. You’ve no idea what you might have stepped in and not a single person on this earth wants that near their face for two hours.

Now regarding those first 20+ minutes of trailers we often see at the beginning of films now, feel free to chat. Nobody ever really wants to see them yet we all understand their importance in the film world and without them we could easily see a reduction in the quality of productions which would be a shame all round. Don’t question or berate them, indeed you won’t get those minutes of your life back if you stare blankly at the screen but it is as much your fault as the cinema’s. During this time most people chat to one and other, predictions are made as to the quality of the upcoming title and jokes are passed around amongst friends. Almost everyone is careful to be polite, not begin shouting over everyone in the cinema, after all you’re likely sat right next to each other. Couples this also goes for you… the lights are still up so talk to each other for a bit… your ‘private time’ is only a few minutes away.

Adding to this I will also give a personal recommendation, I don’t much mind if you choose to talk over the film trailers. Thanks to the digital age I’m likely to have seen them already, but equally they can offer some interesting insights into your next likely cinema trip so I always advise you pay some attention.

Then we reach the film proper traditional cinema etiquette becomes a little stricter, often the more exclusive cinemas have ushers to hush you in the event of you even asking someone to pass the popcorn. Personally I think in the modern age these rules can relax a little, after all we have evolved as audiences and are capable of the occasional reminder of other humans being present. If what you have to say is either important; such as “pass the popcorn” or have some wonderfully witty interjection to whisper to a friend then go ahead. Hell, I’ve even laughed at a few myself in the past making new friends along the way. But try to keep it quiet, a whisper really is all that is needed and only bother to repeat yourself a couple of times to that deaf friend at the bottom of the row.

This continues until the end credits appear, after which feel free to do as you please. The film has ended in my eyes and we as an audience have returned to the world proper. You can talk, share thoughts and chat with our fellow audience, in fact you are obligated to do so since it represents one of the key enjoyments of cinema; the concept of interaction in the ideological/social sense.

I give these ‘guidelines’ because today after having watched the vast majority of a recent release at the cinema, I was stuck behind two guys with no respect for this unspoken etiquette. During such incidences most audience members can easily dim in a state of ‘I wish someone would shut them up’. Not me. I have a wonderful system, which I will follow through with each time. I will ask them, as quietly as possible and following the ‘guidelines’ I mentioned earlier, to be quiet. I will smile, I will be polite and I will not aggravate the situation with aggressive language or tone. Yet I will say this, should you decide to laugh away my politeness this will happen…

Towards the end of the film today two young men in the row behind me and my family decided to make numerous offensive and ultimately pointless jokes. They were neither witty, intelligent or indeed relevant to the situation on screen. They were simply stupid. Polite and smiling I asked for them to quieten down and they decided to mock me for it. So I turned round and gave them a look of fury reserved usually for child murderers and David Cameron. They shut up. After the film I stood and turned around, neither picking up my coat or heading for the exit and proceeded to stare at both men, my 6 feet and 5 inches towering over them both with the exact same look of anger. Both boys proceeded to pale a little. I said only this before leaving and it is the last piece of advice I shall say today…

“Gents, the next time you decide to laugh at the guy in front he might be the one who turns round and beats the shit out of you… you’re in a cinema and you’re meant to watch the film… try and be a little quieter next time for your own sakes”

Keep Watching and Don’t Worry.

On the subject of Perfection

That last post was a little angry wasn’t it?

I guess I should explain why really, it’s something to do with the subject of perfection. A friend of mine recently posted concerning life as a masterpiece, composed of flaws as well as successes in the whole. With every segment representing the whole, rather than focusing on individual brushstrokes.

I replied with the following or thereabouts… Perfection is an ideal worth striving for, with full knowledge that it can never be attained. Extrapolating from that I give you this, that in life we must struggle to do more than our best, more than what we did yesterday. While understanding out works will still be flawed, for we are indeed a flawed species. You need only look at my last post to understand that.

Yet sometimes we fail in this basic philosophy, we interpret only sections according to our flawed desires. I walked into a shop today, in Bolton town centre and saw something that I simply couldn’t comprehend. An example of someone chasing the ideal of perfection without stopping and as such running further from the goal rather than towards it.

She was orange and I do honestly mean orange, from her scalp to her toes. Caked in a second skin, similar to a wetsuit of tanning butter which moved against the natural contours of the body. I saw the exact point her lips had ended, and yet the lipstick carried on further lined horribly like some nightmarish clown. All semblance of beauty had gone, her eyes simple white spots under a panda’s features.

She asked me my name I’m sure, yet I simply couldn’t answer. I could honestly feel my respect for the human condition drain from my mind there and then. Here was a woman who hadn’t understood when to cease, when the chase for perfection was over until a new goal could again be set.

Do we ever understand when that moment is?

Keep Watching and Don’t Panic.

Welcome to the World

Roll up roll up for the biggest joke in town, I present to you ladies and gentlemen planet Earth. A perpetual pit of pathetic displays, with corruption, cowardice and contempt at every turn. Where no man or woman who takes the moral high ground is listened to, in fact the are often ignored. Look at us, look at what we’ve accomplished, our youngest and brightest are sent off into existence with crippling debt hanging about their ears. Ideals found within religion are subverted in the service of cowards. With a thousand thousand lives held in the sway of a few men, not even a few good men. Yet instead a few fat cats, content to sit upon their ivory towers and look down at the unwashed masses with contemptuous glee.

Should one man or woman suggest change or expose these cowards for what they are, they are called liars and cheats. Their claims remain ‘unfounded’ or ‘without evidence’ that evidence of course resting in the hands of those denying it in the first place. We’re traveling in cycles ladies and gents, no more civilised than those who built the pyramids, at least those were built to last. We live in a world of planned obsoletes, where you’re lucky if your printer lasts as long as the ink. With millions going hungry, the satisfied throw away their excess claiming costs and cuts prevent them from doing the right thing.

Even the internet, a device of endless wonder and possibility has become a stagnant pool of funny cats, expensive hats and pointless bloody limericks. What is our function? What is the goal of human kind? We used to strive for better, fixing that which was broken as soon as the fault was recognised. Now we patch on a system people refuse to see as broken, the welfare state, banks being bailed by the masses. Art and beauty have become an industry with restrictions and ideological boundaries, stopping the production of ideas and content.

Instead of respect for those who create, we cajole and leer at their achievements. Modern celebrities representing nothing more than a modern day freak show, their accomplishments standing as dust. Famous for fames sake and cheating their way to stardom. Einstein said ‘judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree and it shall spend its entire life thinking itself a fool’ yet we judge our children as fools to begin with. False information and pointless learning thrown on the pile until they have no clue as to what the world can really offer.

Yet all of this pales in comparison to you… Yes you… Who sits contented with what they own and know, repeating that same cycle which makes me want to scream in the middle of the streets. Your leaders lie, time and time again with ever more transparent excuses littering the ground. You give them power, you give them legitimacy in the endless tirade of shit to pour forth from the screen. So for once, just once… When they smile that sickly smile and ask if everything’s ok, mocking you your lesser education and lack of a daddy to get you work in the ministry…. Look them in the eye for the first time, spit in their face and say “no”.

Keep Watching and Don’t Panic.